Here's a direct link to the site:
You can also access it from their home page
The site is complete with a link to write directly to the City and tell them how you feel about your Coyotes. It also lists the dates and times of upcoming City Council meetings. This is an opportunity for everyone - but especially residents of the City of Glendale - to express themselves directly to someone who will actually be reading and processing what is submitted.
So click on the link that says "Click here to email us your comments" on the site, type in your comments and what city/county/district you live/work in. The more people they hear positive comments from, the more we get responses like this nifty web presence and access page and of course that all important reminder to them to vote to keep our boys.
Also, if you scroll down the page - there are some pictures of some of the City Council members with our favorite team and management members. You can also pick up a Go Yotes poster at the Glendale Visitors Center. There is even an exclusive spirit video on the site.
Heather McWhorter
President, The Coyotes Coalition